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河南天成矿山起重机有限公司注册于2010年,注册资金2880万人民币,公司位于河南省封丘尹岗镇工业园。本公司主营自走式升降平台,导轨货梯,抓斗。大量批发液压升降平台。公司的宗旨是为社会和顾客创造价值,为企业创造效益,为员工创造机会。公司以市场为导向,以顾客为关注焦点,崇尚科学,精心设计,努力创新,追求卓越,为您提供及时、热情、专业的服务。Henan Tiancheng Mining Crane Co. , Ltd. was registered in 2010 with 28.8 million RMB registered capital. The company is located in yingang town industrial park, Fengqiu County, Henan province. The company's main self-propelled lifting platform, rail freight elevator, grab. A large number of wholesale hydraulic lifting platform. The purpose of the company is to create value for the community and customers, create benefits for the enterprise and create opportunities for employees. The company is market-oriented, customer-focused, advocating science, careful design, innovation, Pursuit of excellence, to provide you with timely, enthusiastic, professional service.
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